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Crêpes with Nutella and Banana

Nutella crêpes, need I say more? True classics persist for a reason. Try this combination and you'll understand.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Course: Breakfast, Dessert
Cuisine: French
Servings: 8 crêpes


  • 2 tablespoons Unsalted Butter, plus more for cooking crêpes
  • 1 cup (5 oz) All–Purpose Flour
  • 1 teaspoon Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Baking Powder
  • ¼ teaspoon Salt
  • 1 Egg
  • cups Whole Milk
  • 1 cup Nutella
  • 2 Bananas, peeled and sliced thin


  • Microwave butter in 20 second intervals until melted; set aside. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. In a large bowl, whisk the egg and milk until uniform. Sift about ½ of the dry ingredients mixture through a fine–mesh strainer over the milk mixture; whisk together until a few lumps remain. Sift remaining dry ingredients over the batter; whisk until a few lumps remain. Add the melted butter and whisk until smooth. 
  • Set a 12–inch non–stick skillet over medium–low heat for 3 minutes. Increase heat to medium; melt ½ tablespoon butter until bubbling subsides and butter begins to smell nutty, 2 minutes. Ladle ¼ cup batter in center of pan; lift pan off of heat and tilt in circular motion to disperse batter over surface. Cook until bottom of crêpe is golden brown, about 2 minutes. 
  • Flip crêpe; add 2 tablespoons of nutella and gently spread to cover half of crêpe; layer ⅛ of banana slices over nutella. Fold crêpe in half over nutella; cook for 30 seconds. Flip crêpe; cook for 30 seconds more; transfer to serving platter. Crêpes can be served immediately, or covered with aluminum foil to keep warm. Continue cooking crêpes, adding more butter to the pan as needed. 


  • Low–fat or dairy–free milk can be substituted for the whole milk.
  • If using salted butter, omit the salt from the batter. 
  • The batter can be cooked right away, but will develop even more delicious flavor if allowed to rest refrigerated overnight. 
  • Batter can be covered and refrigerated for up to a week; whisk to recombine before cooking. Cooked and unfilled crêpes can be stacked and cooled to room temperature; store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 1 week, or in the freezer for 1 month. To reheat, stack crêpes, cover with a damp paper towel, and heat in microwave until warm, about 30 seconds. Continue with step 3 in a non–stick skillet over medium heat to fill and serve crêpes.